Just A Typical Day with Helen. Part II.

I LOVE my dog, Ozzie, an unreasonable amount. More than most humans. I mean it. I would take a bullet for Oz over almost everyone I know, except maybe like 15 people. Sorry if you're not one of them. Because I am so obsessed with him, I completely overindulge him. He is so spoiled that I need a new word for it. He gets special treats and food. He sleeps in bed, under the covers, with his head on his own pillow. He goes for at least 3 walks a day. I come home from work at lunch time everyday to check on him. The list goes on and on. Recently, I have had several meetings scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I have convinced Helen and Jeff to go pick him up on those days and I pick him up from their house after Zumba. It is ridiculous, I know. Since he spends at least 2 days a week with his grandparents, he has grown pretty fond of them, as well as cousin Yogie. As soon as we pull int...