2012 has really been an incredible year for me in so many ways, but I can't say I wasn't warned. About 3 years ago, Brittany and I decided to go see a psychic. I don't ever really tell people about it because, religion-wise, its a big no-no, but we were just so curious! We were also very down on our luck! The psychic told us both that we had three years of bad luck ahead, and told us not to bother with love because it would fail. Awesome news, right!? Well, despite our best efforts, she ended up being right. Three years of bad luck came and went, and like clockwork, things started to turn around for me. Brittany, not so much! (haha ;) sorry!!)

I met Matt around Christmas time last year and quickly fell head over heels, which is NOT NORMAL for me seeing as how I usually head for the hills! I'm so incredibly happy everyday with him, and I really couldn't have asked for a better family! Kathy is the best 2nd mom/friend/Zumbaer/shopping buddy/cooking instructor EVER. I am just so blessed to have met all of the Lilly's and Leslie's, and we've made some great memories over the past year!

I am officially a college graduate. It feels SO good to say that! I don't have homework, or papers, or tests, or classes EVER again! After years and years of stress and work, it is finally over. I know college is hard for most people, but I have to say that I know I had more stress than most people. I worked 40 hours a week at USDA, and used my lunch break to go to class most semesters. I never had a scholarship, a grant, or a loan. I saved money from each paycheck to pay for my tuition and books every semester. I was getting home from class at 10:00 or later each night and then getting up and going to work by 8:00 each morning. Oh, and throw Zumba in there 2 or more night a week! I was constantly exhausted. So while finishing school for most people is great, you can understand why it is especially great for me.
I can't say all that hard work didn't pay off! I am now permanently employed at USDA in the RUS program! For those of you who don't know what I do, we provide loans and grants to rural communities for LARGE water and sewer projects. I also work in CF, Community Facilities, where we provide loans and grants to communities so they can buy things like fire trucks and ambulances, or build community centers, etc. I am extremely lucky and blessed to have such an amazing job right out of college!
I usually try to set some goals or resolutions for the upcoming year, and they are usually pretty lame-o. BUT, now that I am out of school, and a huge weight has been lifted, I feel like I am able to take on more things and really get out there. So, here goes the big list...
1. I WILL get to my goal weight by this time next year. I have no excuses!
2. I will move out, even though I have the best roomies ever, and that will be really sad.
3. I will save money, and quit buying silly things I don't need.
4. I will try new workouts in addition to Zumba. I don't want to get in a rut, so I need to experiment with other classes and exercises.
5. I will eat healthy and drink only water. This is not to lose weight, but to just be healthy and feel good. I never feel good after a plate of cheese fries and a coke.
6. I will volunteer more, or hopefully become involved with an organization that I find passion in.
7. I will find a new church that I actually like. One with people my age, songs that aren't ancient, and modern activities and ideas.
I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and an extremely Happy New Year! :)
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