Pokey's Bubblegum

     I WANT A PUPPY! I have been puppy/dog shopping for months now, and I still haven't found THE one.  Everytime I find one that I like it has either already been adopted or they just refuse to answer me.  The rejection is starting to hurt a little!  I have two dogs in my home already, but they aren't MY dogs.  I would like for Yogie to be my dog, but he and Helen have formed this bond and there is no breaking it.  I plan to move out after I graduate in a couple months, so it will just be me and my new dog!

     The problem with dog shopping is that no dog compares to our old Spitz mix, Pokey.  We had to put Pokey to sleep when I was in middle school because he was suffering from brain cancer. Pokey was older than I was, 14 to be exact! He would let me dress him up in tshirts and dresses and use him as a fluffy pillow in the floor when we were watching tv, so needless to say, he was a very relaxed dog.
     Like I said, Pokey was a Spitz, so he had lots of fluffy white fur, which had to be brushed and cut to keep him from looking scraggly.  One day Pokey had layed down in some bubble gum, so naturally Helen had to cut it out of his fur.  I sat in the floor and patted his head while watching her snip the big pink clump out of his fur.  Helen threw it away and sent him on his way, not thinking anything of the incident.
     A few days later I was laying in the floor with Pokey when I noticed something pink on his belly.  I had never thought about the pink thing before the bubblegum incident, but I thought it MUST be more bubblegum in his fur!  Helen was on the phone with Christi (Noffsinger) Gordon, but I kept trying to tell her there was more bubblegum!  She kept giving me the "shut up I'm on the phone look" and held up one finger indicating that I needed to wait.  Well, that just wasn't working for me.  I decided that I had watched her do it before, and I could cut it out myself!  I marched into Helen's sewing room and picked out a pair of scissors and sat down beside Pokey.  I was just about to cut the bubblegum when I heard Helen yell down the hallway, "KELLIE, NO!! THAT'S NOT BUBBLEGUM!!"  She slammed the phone on the hook and ran to Pokey's rescue!  Helen really saved Pokey on that one!  He would not have been very happy with me if I cut off his "bubblegum," which is what we still call it to this day.
     I realize this may hurt my chances of ever finding a dog now, but that was when I was in preschool!  I know the difference now! I promise!  Also, while we are on the subject of dogs, please, please, make sure you adopt!  Go to petfinder.com and I promise you'll find one that you'll love! There are thousands of animals filling up shelters, so there is no need to pay $400+ for dogs.  Mutts are smarter and better dogs anyways! :)


  1. Kellie, you make me laugh out loud!! Love your stories!!


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