Spring "Break"
I call it a "break" because there was very little breaking involved. I seriously can't figure out how I am able to do school with everything else I have going on. I worked my usual 40 hours a week and went to zumba every time the doors were open, but I didn't have classes and I was still exhausted! I actually made 4 trips to the Civic Center in 4 days! For work, I had to sit at our USDA RD booth for the Consturcution and Design Expo two days in a row. Let me tell you, exciting stuff! I love my job, I love my job...
Enough complaining! There were plenty of moments this week that I didn't want a break! My 3rd trip to the Civic Center was by far the best! The Snap Fitness Zumbaritas were part of the 600+ that showed up to Paint Charleston Pink Saturday morning! This Zumbathon raised over $15,000 towards Breast Cancer research, and we were thrilled to be a part of such a great cause! Not to mention, we had a BLAST!

After 2 hours of Zumba, we were definitely in need of a "refuel", so we all stopped at Rio Grande on the way home. I had such an amazing time getting to know these beautiful ladies outside of class! In fact, I think we need some more outings with the girls!

I ended my crazy, hectic week with my 4th and final trip to the Civic Center, and that was for the Miranda Lambert concert with Tara, Helen, Amy, Jess, Cass, and Anna. I'm really not crazy about country music, but I do love me some Miranda! She put on a great show, and let me tell you, there were some redneck women in that crowd that were having the time of their lives!
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