It's Quiet......Too Quiet.

I can't help but feel that this is the calm before the storm. It's not even noon and I've already crossed everything off of my To-Do List for the day. I've been looking for things to do for about an hour. The office is eerily quiet with only 3 of us in the entire building. The phones aren't ringing, I'm not getting any e-mails. I'm not really complaining, but I know this afternoon is going to be painfully boring.
Work isn't the only place that I'm feeling the calm. Our Zumba classes have been so dead the past couple of weeks. I know they will pick up fast after New Years because of all the weight loss resolutions, and I can't wait! We will be starting 2012 off with a bang! Super excited for the new Zumba stuff that is to come!
I posted a blog last year, and haven't posted many since, about my New Year resolutions. In 2011 I lost over 40 pounds, and I'm looking to lose another 50-60 in 2012. I tried to keep it in control over Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I think I did okay. Better than I have before at least. I tried boxing with two of my friends, and REALLY liked it, but I don't know if I'll have to time to do it now. Maybe over the summer or after graduation. The plan is to keep up the diet and Zumbaing, and try to fit in other workouts when I can. I'm really looking forward to ending 2011, and starting 2012 fresh!


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