21? Already?

Whoa, it's been awhile. I always forget about blogs and stuff.
As we all know, October is full of birthdays. Mine happens to be one of them. If you follow me on twitter, or are friends with me on facebook you definitely know this. I do consider myself a little special, especially this year. My 21st birthday happens to be 10-10-10 this year. If that's not a good omen, then I don't know what is! The only bad part is that is falls on a Sunday, so I can't get my new license. :(
Saturday night is my birthday party, which is Sex and the City themed. I know, you're all shocked! haha. I cannot wait!! I have the most incredible group of friends ever. There is no doubt in my mind.
Part of me is ecstatic to turn 21, i mean duh. But the other part of me can't find where all the time went. Life is not at all what i thought it would be just 3 years ago. When I was 18, i couldn't wait to move out, go far, far, far away to college, and just start a fabulous new life. Well, i did get to move out, but to Huntington. Not exactly far away, but it was away. The next year I found myself in an awesome new job...and moving back home. Don't get me wrong, i love my parents and being home, but there is just something about living on your own during this time in life. It just makes no sense for me right now.
However, purchasing the Nissan Juke makes sense to meeee. :) its my newest obsession and it just came to the US! I'm pretty excited to go look at one and see what it's like. I'm seriously considering it.


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