Ridiculous Items that I nee...I mean, Ozzie needs :)

Have you ever been standing in line at Wal-Mart wondering why they have so many random items placed by the register? Well, believe it or not, those items are not there just in case you should forget to pick up batteries, a DVD, or hand sanitizer. They are placed there for people like me. People who get bored if they have to stand in one place for more than 60 seconds. Each time I stand in line I am forced to look at all of those silly items until I convince myself that I need the Pajama Jeans! Yeah, Definitley needed the Pajama Jeaans... I have to switch gears on you, but we will come back to the buying silly things I don't need. I will admit that taking care of Ozzie has been no cakewalk. It is definitely a good idea to have a dog before children (FYI). I have a touch of OCD and maybe a little hypochondria. Okay, I probably don't have either, but I diagnosed myself! Thanks WebMD! ;). Anywho, the bottom line is that I tend to freak out over ev-ery-thaanng he does. If he has a...