Young Trendsetter

I had no idea that my fashion choices as a 6 year old would spark a movement taking over the country. That's right, folks. I started the big, fake, thick, black, horn-rimmed glasses trend! Jealous? I thought so. You see, when I was in the first grade, I wanted glasses so badly. I just thought they made you look smart, cool, sophisticated. I needed them. When Helen would go to pick out her frames, I spent the entire time gazing at myself in the mirrors to find the perfect frame for my face. It was that time of year. No, not Christmas, time to get our annual physicals. It was always the same at Doctor Phillips office. She had dealt with me long enough to know what she was up against when it came to injuries, illnesses, and accidents. The appointment always began with the eye chart in the hallway. She handed me a black paddle to cover my left eye with, and asked me to read the chart. "E, d, c, k, v, t...