My Newborn Must-Haves!

I am going to preface this post with a confession. I have not sent out thank you cards. But they are coming! It's not that I am not extremely thankful, I am, I truly am! The thing is - I hate my handwriting. Like, truly embarrassed by how bad it is. Cindy Noffsinger always told me that it's because my hand can't keep up with my brain, which makes me feel good, so we will go with that. This is why I absolutely loathe writing notes or even addressing an envelope, which is why you addressed your own envelope if you came to my baby shower. True story - I sent Megan Hannah a picture of my first addressed wedding invitation and her reply was something like "Why don't you let me address them for you as a wedding gift?" I know Meg well enough to know that was her polite way of saying “Holy cow, you will not ruin our beautiful invitations with that chicken scratch on the front!” (Jokes, jokes, she’d never say that to my face lol ) SO, to avoid all ...