It's been real, 2014! Helllloooo 2015!

Each year I like to write a post about just that - the year. I like to reflect, reevaluate, set goals, make plans, and figure out how to make the upcoming year better than the last. I don't know how to do that this year! 2014 was a REALLY good year for me. I did stuff! A lot of stuff! Things that I never even imagined would be on my radar are now in my rearview mirror. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't proud of myself. I think I'm allowed to be! Some of the things on my list weren't easy, and you know about my struggles, highs, and lows because I've written about them here. So, here I am, just being 25, and I have no idea what to do with myself. I'm a planner. Anyone who knows me knows that I like to act like I can just go with the flow, but that is not the case. If you REALLY know me, you know that if there is no plan, I am not okay. I like to be in charge, and it is really hard for me to just let things...