That One Time Mamaw Forgot Thanksgiving

WHY YES, that IS my face on a sexy pilgrim riding a giant turkey! Happy Thanksgiving, y'all! I have to admit, I've never really LOVED Thanksgiving. I mean like Thanksgiving, what's not to like? A day off from work, hanging out with my family, and eating tons of delicious food sounds like a good time to me. It also means that Christmas is just a month away! WOOOO! BUT it's just not my favorite holiday. The past few Thanksgivings have felt like running a marathon for Matthew and me! We have big families with tons of places to be. We bounce around from dinner to dinner, picking at our food and feeling super rude when we have to say "Oh, no, we just ate" or "We can't, we have another dinner." Matthew absolutely hates it, and each year I have to remind him that he had better get used to it! One thing I am thankful for this Thanksgiving is the lack of "I'm thankful for..." status upd...