Spring "Break"

I call it a "break" because there was very little breaking involved. I seriously can't figure out how I am able to do school with everything else I have going on. I worked my usual 40 hours a week and went to zumba every time the doors were open, but I didn't have classes and I was still exhausted! I actually made 4 trips to the Civic Center in 4 days! For work, I had to sit at our USDA RD booth for the Consturcution and Design Expo two days in a row. Let me tell you, exciting stuff! I love my job, I love my job... Enough complaining! There were plenty of moments this week that I didn't want a break! My 3rd trip to the Civic Center was by far the best! The Snap Fitness Zumbaritas were part of the 600+ that showed up to Paint Charleston Pink Saturday morning! This Zumbathon raised over $15,000 towards Breast Cancer research, and we were thrilled to be a part of such a great cause! Not to mention, we had a BLAST! After 2 hours of Zumba, we were definitely in...