My 3-6 Month Must Haves

I know this is the most annoying thing moms say about their kids, but I just can’t believe my boy is 6 months old! And I really can’t believe I’m still home with him everyday with no end in sight! I’m definitely not complaining, but gone are the days of him taking long, luxurious naps and quietly watching the ceiling fan spin! No, no, this kid is AC-TIVE. He wants to be doing things all the time, so I find myself moving him from contraption to floor and floor to contraption over and over again to keep him entertained. We’ve sort of found a routine, but just when we think we’re knocking it out of the park, he throws a change up! I’ve had quite a few people tell me that they referenced my Newborn Must Haves post while putting together their baby registry, which thrilled me to death. Soooo, I thought I’d keep it going and share my favorite 3-6 month items as well! All of them are linked HERE on! Happy shopping! #1 on the list and #1 in my heart is the Merlin’s Magic Sl...