
I am fortunate enough to work with one of my best friends. It wasn't always that way, but as the years went on we found ourselves growing closer and closer. Now it's hard for us to go home on the weekends and not see each other for 2 days! Our other co-workers tease us about how our conversations wander. We can go from "My succulents are dying! I thought they were indestructible!?" to "See if GrubHub will deliver Chick-fil-A here!" in less than 3 minutes. We often talk about our goals and dreams, and we really do our best to motivate and encourage each other along the way, but there's one thing that sometimes creeps into our conversations that we wish we could stop. Comparison. "Comparison is the thief of joy." That has been the quote of the week...month...year. Honestly, have you ever paid attention to how often you think or say "I wish I had______ like ________?" I know it's a sentence I found myself saying ...