What to do with the spare room...

When you are just one person in a two bedroom house, one of the most common questions you have to answer is "What are you going to do with that other room?" My spare room has been like the black hole of my house. I'll admit that I'm a little messy. I like my kitchen and bathrooms clean, but I don't really care if there are clothes on the floor and stuff on my coffee table. That's just how I roll. So, if I don't know where to put something, I open the door to the spare room, and throw it in! I still haven't figured out how that room could accumulate so much junk in just one year! I have attempted to clean out the spare room no less than 10 times, yet I am defeated each time. It's like a little elf follows me around the room making more messes...or it could be because I am easily distracted, and my gnat-like attention span just can't make it through such a tedious task! My initial plan when I moved in the hous...